Friday, December 30, 2011

Boca yo te amo

Soccer of course is a huge deal here. My mom and Taylor and I went to the Boca stadium. It was pretty cool I must say. I love sports and it was fun to see the stadium and the hall of fame and cool videos. Hope I can make it out to a game!

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Ive been saying I want to get into shape for a longggg time. And im finally doing and being seriouse about it. My mom got me a membership to a very nice gym by my house, and I have to say...ive been working super hard! It has a ton of great classes and little "gadgets" to help me stay on track. I go everyday (except Sunday) And sometimes multiple times. I cant wait to see the results in a month!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

A few Christmas Pics

My mom and I made 200 handmade snowglobes...they turned out way cool but wayyyy to much work.

Our first fake, but beautiful Argentine Christmas tree (:

At midnight the Argentines along with 2 hours worth of AMAZING fireworks, let off lanterns. Every lantern that goes up you make a wish. These people are my neighbors. Unfortunatly the fire was a little to much in that one and it fell and landed on their roof...while still being on fire..hahaha but many more whent up into the sky and it was like watching the movie tangled!

The Hermanas and I at the Christmas party!

Christmas 2011, with my (magic Ray Bans haha)

Merry Christmas

This Christmas was a lot different then usual for a lot of reasons. However it was really wonderfull for more reasons than not. I truly am blessed to be here in Argentina. I feel like its really preparing me for my future. Being here means I have to act like an adult sometimes and I think that its a good thing to practice. I had a great time spending Christmas with the missionaries as well. They truly are inspirational. I wish that everyone could see young men and women doing the Lords work, and the effort and dilligiance that they put into their everyday lives.

The people in Argentina really focus more on family time and traditions, more than they do on the gifts and I love it. Honestly just having a good family party, staying up late, having a great time, remembering all the things to be greatfull for, thats the best part of Christmas to me. I was fortunate to recieve great gifts that are helping me reach my goals. My mom really does know me well (:

I hope the missionaries enjoyed talking to their families. It was sooo sweet to watch the Elders in my home talking and sharing their testimonies with their families. These 6 months have gone by fast, but I feel like im finally settled in and am ready to start and complete my goals. I love and miss everyone in Florida soooo much! And I wish you all a Merry Christmas.

Carter <3

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

200 missionary snowglobes on the wall..

You know the song.. "99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer...
you take one down, pass it around..
98 bottles of beer on the wall.."

Well heres my rendition.. "200 missionary (handmade) snowglobes on the counter..
200 missionary snowglobesssss...
you take one down, pass it around
199 missionary snowglobes on the wall"

Why did I make up this rendition you may ask? Well, my mom had a great idea to make snowglobes for the missionaries for Christmas! Which is awesome and they turned out super cute!!!! They have a little tree with the mission logo and glitter "snow" and the a missionary and his companion are in the jar, with a Argentine ribbon tied on the bottom! Super cute right!? But let me tell you something...doing 200 of anything! That has to be personalized and takes atleasttttt 4 WHOLE days to make, is just too much.

Next year, we of course will make more Christmas presents, but maybe a little more facil (easy) (;

P.S pictures will be comming soon.

Friday, December 16, 2011


I love music. I always have, since I was little listening to children listening to Enya and Eifal 65. I listen to it all the time! I like listening to new things as well. I would say my favorite kinds of music would be country, Pop, and piano. Now its brazilian music like (Ai se eu te pego) and wachituro music (Argentine) columbian (Shakira) Latin america (Makano).

I find that I learn a lot of spanish by singing to the music. My close friends are brazilian so I often listen to that too, and I love it. Who knew I would ever listen to this music?

Amigas, te amo!



Eli-Me-Brendi! (Brenden)

(Alot of my friends jaja)

I love my friends! Especially Marina, and Gonzalo! Theyve been my friends since the month before I moved, when Gonzalo added me on facebook! Vicky I also met shortly after and I love her sooo much! We always have good times together, and we are always laughing and happy. Sadly Victoria is moving back to Brazil. Today Ma had a goodbye party for her, with a pool slide and music, and trampoline, food games, and a movie. It was great. Im definatly gonna miss my vicky! But we have made some great memories!

I was also able to spend lots of time with some other close friends. Eli decided she wanted to take pictures soo off to photobooth we went. My friends have really helped me settle in nicely and have been here for me since I moved. They respect my religouse beliefs and support me, and I think thats what meens the most. Im so happy to have them, and every moment is so special!

Good laughs, Sunshine, and friends. Te amo.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


I hate tests. So when the end of the semester comes, everyone is studying for days, or even weeks.
(this is what ive felt like the past 5 days (not including Sunday of course)

My school in Florida I thought was some what difficult. Well, that school looks like 1st grade compared to my school her in Argentina. Almost every night I have homework, and most of the time im doing it for hours! So you can only imagine how hard the exams are going to be.

(this is not of me, but its a pretty close picture to what I looked like studying for history)

So for the past week and a half I have actually been studying. Studying all that I can. And to be honest im quite proud of myself. I have actually sat down and made flashcards, and read my book, and done online quizes to prepare myself. Now im not saying im going to get a 100. Highly unlikely but I am happy with the effort I have put in and at least I felt good going into my first 3 exams.
(this is what I will feel like after they are all done!)

Today 2 of my friends came over to study for math and chemistry. One only stayed for about on hour because her brother came into town, but the other stayed for a good 4 hours. After her helping review chemistry with me, and working on math we whent swimming in my pool, and listned to music. It was a lot of fun. Still more studying to do, but it was a productive day.

I cannot WAIT till school is over, because these exams are killing me!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

I am a child of God

Often times I think back on my childhood. The things that happened, that made me who I am today. My parents adopted me when I was 3, and they have loved me and been the best parents they could be since then, and I know they will continue to be. Sometimes people ask me if I think my life would be any different than it is today. Well the answer is yes. My parents gave me the most important thing you can give a child. And that was the knowledge of the gospel, and Jesus Christ. They taught me how to pray, and how to sing children hymns. They taught me to love everyone and to love myself. They taught me of the blessings that I have been given by Heavenly Father. They taught me right from wrong..and so many other things. Of course no person is perfect, and I am far from it. But im gratefull that I have the knowledge I have and that I know that I can learn and progress.

Today after a Stake conference in Marcos Paz, I saw this little boy holding his daddys hand. His dad was going around to all of the missionaries thanking them for service to God, and for the love that they have shown their stake/ward. He thanked my dad for his role in the church. Then I watched as the little boy went up to a missionary, tilted his head all the way back, shook his hand and smiled, and then went back to his dad.

This little boy, may or may not know now how blessed he is to have a dad that loves the church and the missionaries. The little boy may or may not know, that the simple things like going to church and going to nursery and primary are the things that are going to help him grow up into a rightouse young man, and then a missionary. This young boy may or may not know that he is going to be the husband of a young woman, and take her to the temple. Just because his daddy loved him enough to take him to church, and to take him to see the missionaries.

Im greatfull for my parents. And im greatfull for the missionaries. The Lord has blessed us with soooo many things to help us grow and to return to him. And I see it everyday. Especially when I saw this little boy. I hope his daddy keeps taking him to church. Because I can already tell he will become a great missionary.

Its called commitment...

And I am commiting to being healthier. For the next 6 weeks, I will be working out, eating healthy and trying my best to be focussed on my goals...and commiting to them.
(picture from my cousins blog)


I absoloutly love planning, and decorating and creating new things. Sometimes im at a loss for new ideas. When my cousin came to Fl, a while ago she mentioned a site called Pinterest. I sort of forgot about it, but then one of my sisters mentioned it to me. Needless to addicted....Well maybe not addicted but thats pretty close.

Whenever I have spare time(which that seems to be rapidly decreasing) I hit up Pinterest for new ideas. Im seriouse...that site is the best!!! I use it for baking ideas, hair ideas, style ideas, and so many other things. I love it.

The reason why im blogging about this is because at some point when im older and have a family and have forgotten about this site. I will look at my blog book and remember my great days of pinning.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Its beginning to look a lot like....summer?

Yes, indeed. Its 24 days untill christmas and it is summer here in Argentina. If it werent for the stores with christmas decorations, im not sure it would be very evident that its christmas time. For those who are in Florida, I know what December is like. Sometimes warm, sometimes inbetween, and sometimes freeeeeezing! Well here, its nothing but good old high 80¨s...however summers only just barely begun.

I love christmas time! I love picking out presents for everyone and seeing smiles and everyone being so close. I can never go to sleep at a decent time because im so excited! (the funny thing is though, that im always the last person to wake a long shot haha) Im excited for my first Christmas here though! I dont think we where here long enough last time to have celebrated it or atleast I dont remember.

The only thing I was a little bit sad about was that, instead of going and searching for the perfect tree under a huge tent by the side of the road...we went shopping in a store, and brought home our tree in a box. First time ive ever had a fake tree. I must say though it turned out quite cute!

Our usual trees are very elegant and this year I was excited to decorate our tree like Argentina! It turned out way cute (major props to my mom)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Grandpa Bruce

My grandpa is with Jesus and Heavenly Father tonight. He passed away today, and we are all very sad. We will certainly miss him and his cute smiles. Im sad that he is gone and that I wont be able to visit him again, but ill see him when its my time.

You will be missed
Love you so much,

Country Girl

I enjoy going to the city every now and then, but honestly im a country girl. I like horses, and open space. I like 4 wheeling and playing on lakes. I like bonfires and smores. I like sitting in the car with the windows down, singing country songs with my best friends. I love cute houses that sit on acres of land. I just love it all.

My best friend Natalie and I have had some of our best memories in the country. On the farm playing games on the 4 wheelers like hide and go seek. Going to horse shows, and riding horses. Singing Carrie Underwood and HonkeyTonk Badonkeydonk. We dance to country line dances, and watch country movies. What more could you ask for?

Today my history teacher said that we would all move to a city when we get out of school. And that we would be work aholics trying to get as much money as possible. Well news for him..I could not live in a city. And im not going to unless I absoloutly have too. I do not care how much money I make as long as I can take care of my family. Infact if I dont have to, id much rather be a mom to my children.

I have lately decided what I will do after highschool. I want to go to Paul Mitchell and study hair and makeup and cosmotolagy. I want to make other people happy and beautiful. I want to use my talents and love what I do. And I love to do hair and makeup and talk to people and make them look as beautiful as possible and have them be happy.

So Mr. Stone, if you ever need a haircutt sometime when your out in the country or anywhere but in the city. Look me up.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Makano! He is a famouse latin american singer(or group) I got to dance with him on the stage. It was way cool!

Befor the party I got ready with some friends.

Quincenearas are a HUGE deal here. They are like sweet 16¨s times 3. A lot of money and time is put into them.

I was fortunate enough to be invited to one by a friend from my school. It was incredible to say the least. There was 25 disco balls, camera crews, amazing performers. A theme park, Dancing, gormet food. Amazing decorations! Skype calls with Shakira, Train, Selena Gomez, Katy perry, and a few other latin american stars. There where lots of friends and quite a few famouse people. I of course didnt know half of them because I havent been here long enough to understand who is famouse. It was a real treat though!

It lasted from 9 till 6 in the mouring. (It was a long night to say the least).

The birthday girl was gorgeouse! And it looked like she had a great time. Great memories to have for a while (:


I often think about all the events that have led up to this one very special one. The mission. Right before we moved I whent to a special addition EFY in temple square. It was absoloutly amazing!

Something that was very special was that after scripture study we had a little extra time before going to our next activitie, so a few girls and I had the idea to go sing under the Prophets window. So we started to sing "we thank the oh god for a prophet". At first nothing happened but then one of the secretaries came to the window and waved for us to stay put. Next thing we know, President Thomas S. Monson is standing at the window. We begin to sing some more but of course we are just balling our eyes out. The Prophet led us and blew us kisses and at the end saluted us. It was a preciouse memory that I will always remember.

My efy counselar and I became best friends. She helped me overcome my small fear of moving and change. People like her are reasons why efy is so worth it and so amazing! This upcoming efy ill be attending it at the church ranch here in Argentina. Where everyone speaks spanish. Ive heard its amazing so I cant wait!

Sweet 16! finally!

I think ive been waiting to turn 16 since I turned 13. Im not exactly sure why it was always such a big deal? Maybe because I was jealouse of my friends getting to go out on dates. Or maybe its because its the age you can drive? Or maybe because your right in the middle of teenage years, so your old and young? Yepp, all of those seem to be right!

To be honest I am a little bit sad that there are no guys here that understand and appreciate the value of turning 16 for a Mormon girl such as myself. So I didnt get that awesome.. hahaha. Thats okay, it will come (; On the plus side I have lots of good guy friends, and being 16 does make it easier to hang out with! Either way, being 16 is the bomb!

(two more years and im 18, and finished with highschool baby:)

So for my birthday I whent and saw Breakingdawn, which was fine, but kind of lame. Then went out to BICE! One of my favorite resturaunts! Did a lot of shopping with my mom and got Persico icecream for my "cake"(it was amazing). My dad bought me 16 white roses, even though the lady persissted on him taking all 24. That was one of the best gifts because white roses are my favorite flower and he took the time to remember and get them. Those kind of gifts mean the most to me.

Before I whent to bed I got a call from the assistants and office elders. They tried to be all cool and act like there was a reason they were calling other than to sing to me, but I could tell (; It was super sweet, they sang in english, and just said a few nice things and then one elder wished me happy birthday dreams...I couldnt stop laughing at that, it was so random and I had never heard it before, but hey its creative.

All in all it was a great two days worth of celebrating, and I cant wait till im... 18!!

Saturday, November 26, 2011


I must say...this Thanksgiving felt a little different than normal, but we made do. Thankfully when my sister came to visit she brought some pumpkin in a can for pumpkin pie, and some other things! We had a few missionaries over and we played some dominoes and family card games. It was a lot of fun. The food was amazing, as always! When it came time for BAG of course we were all teary eyed. It was especially sweet to here the missionaries. All in all it was a great day.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Insipiration for halloween

I love Halloween! Its so fun to dress up and put on some Bling Glitter! This year while I was shopping in China Town with my mom, I came across a plethera of Hello Kitty. I mean everthing! Was Hello Kitty. So I thought, why not be that. It was a farely simple costume but it was fun!


Oh how I love the Hermana´s. The ones in our mission and the ones from the other missions. I love being one too. When my parents leave for days at a time, the Hermana´s from the north mission come and stay with me. We have so much fun! We go shopping and go out to eat, and talk about life, and laugh. Its a blast. I always look forward to them comming over.

Temporary home

Florida will always be my home. Its where I was born and raised most of my life. My best friends are there, and almost everything that has contributed to making me who I am today, has come from there. Argentina however is my second home. I loved it when we lived here when I was little, and I love it now. I have friends here, and lots of memories. If I had to spend 3 years in a Latin American country, I would choose Argentina every time. So im blessed to live somewhere that I enjoy. By the end of the three years ill be half Argentine and half Floridian...and im happy about that.

Party in Argentina

I love parties! and I love to hang out with my friends. Here in Argentina, especially in my school there are always parties. The big downside is that they start at midnight and go to like 6 in the morning. However my mom and dad were very nice to let me go for a few hours with my friends. I had a few close friends come to my house before to hang out and get ready, and then we were off! We all had a lot of fun, and some good memories.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Unity Day

(part of our dance routine, Lisa almost fell lol)

(team huddle)

Shantam showin that team spirit!

Fer- "go blue dynamite!"

red team singing there chants!

Every year the highschool has a day called Unity Day. Which is a very big deal to the student body and teachers. Everyone in the highschool including administration is split up into 4 teams. Each team is a color. Red, Blue, Black, and White. Once you are placed on this team, it is your team for the rest of highschool. The teams consist of many people from all grades. Its a blast!! I was placed on the blue team. Along with being on teams, you get to pick 3 activities to do that day. Any sport, game, craft, you name it! I picked basketball and dance team. Dance took up 2 blocks but it was soo fun! Every time a team wins at any activitie or game they get points, as well as getting points for team spirit. Well guess who one? THE BLUE TEAM!!! It was a lot of fun, and so great to get to know people better. Cant wait till next year!